What are the songs about?

Love gets in the way

An irreverent look at the state of courtship. There's no point being logical about love. LOL. It can affect you when you least expect it :)

Did I ever tell you?

It's important that we celebrate our differences. Regardless of gender, sexuality, colour, creed or faith, we are all unique. Go ahead and love whoever you like.     

Grind against my thigh

Sometimes you just want to have some  consensual fun without the boundaries. And that's ok ;)

I can't commit to this love

Ever had a relationship where you felt out of your depth? Do you stay or do you leave? Do you love or do you grieve?  Yep :(

Somewhere deep inside of me

That beautiful moment when you realise that you have the capacity to feel all over again... Time has healed.

The Brazilians I love

What a gorgeous and hedonistic melting pot of cultures these people are. My tribute to them!

O mother of mine

Our relationships with our parents are often complicated. Making peace with them helps us to find peace within ourselves.

Wherever you are in the universe tonight

There will always be people who exit this physical plane but not without leaving a lasting impression on us and our lives. Bless them for making a difference.

I provide the enemy

So your potential partner doesn't feel the same way about you? That's ok. You're entitled to your feelings!

Means to an end

How do we successfully navigate our way through this experience called life? I don't think the answers are anywhere near as important as the questions.

A matter for me 

It's my life and it's my time. I make the choices and I live with the consequences. We all do.

Stills from I can't commit to this love - about the confusion over whether to engage or not.